Are you ready for a structured program that trains you
to remain calm, focused and positive so you can move through life’s challenges
with ease?
is accessible to anybody, determined to preserve his/her health, take charge of
problems and attribute its real dimension to maintain a perfect physical,
psychical and intellectual balance.
People of
all ages, social levels, religions, countries and continents are now
discovering the life long benefits that sophrology exercises bring to their
STUDENTS: Sophrology is taught in many
school in Europe, colleges & universities, to prepare exams, or for
CHIDHOOD: sleep, concentration,
3rd AGE: motivation, positive thoughts and acts, controlling
CHILDBIRTH: it helps reduce pain level, to
be in control, and in intimacy and connection. Sophrology is one of the
major preparations for chilbirth in French speaking countries. It helps reduce
worries& anxieties and prepares the mother and father to participate
actively in the birth.
-Reconciliation with the body
-Psychosomatic imbalance
-Psychosomatic pathology treatment
-Psychic balance
-Increase of emotional resistance
-Body rest
-Better concentration and memorization
-Pain control
-Sleep regulation
-Self critique and self control
-Better Human relationships
-Decrease anger
-Better adaptation with the environment
-Dealing with Stress levels
-Equilibrium in your life
-Emotional up and down and turmoil
-Stabilize your emotions
-Concentration (sport and mental preparation and
-Smile more! discovery and integration of a superior
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